About Fingers!
We know, the fingers are the body's limbs and a finger, is the manipulation and sensory organs in the hands of humans and other primates.
Usually, there are four fingers and one thumb in every individuals' hand. Four fingers and a thumb form the freely movable part of the hand. All has three separate bones - except the thumb, only two.
And, for a palmist it’s really very important to study the size and shape of all the fingers carefully. So, to get closer to any persons' life by reviewing the fingers on hand carefully.
What does your fingers mean in palmistry?
In the art of palmistry - hand reading fingers are divided into following:
Index Finger - The Finger of Jupiter
Middle Finger - The Finger of Saturn
Ring Finger - The Finger of Apollo
Small Finger - The Finger of Mercury
The Index Finger of Jupiter:
As per the concepts of palm reading, the very next finger to the thumb is called index finger (or the finger of Jupiter), which shows the power of leadership quality, only if the index finger is as long as the size of middle finger (or finger of Saturn) on hand.
It is highly believed that, the Jupiter's energies associated with the index finger, that indicates will-power, authority, leadership, confidence, pride, and ambition in one's life.
It is highly believed that, the Jupiter's energies associated with the index finger, that indicates will-power, authority, leadership, confidence, pride, and ambition in one's life.
The Middle Finger of Saturn:
The longest finger on your hand is middle finger. also called the finger of Saturn. A very long or a very short middle finger tends to indicate a serious imbalance between the psychological and the physical state of a person.
It is believed that, if the Index finger and the middle fingers are equal in length, in that case a person commits suicide or dies through an unnatural cause.
The Ring Finger of Apollo:
The finger next to the finger of Saturn is called the finger of Apollo (or the Sun), well-know as the ring finger. Generally, this finger is almost equal to the index finger in length. But, if it is very long, than it is considered as an emotional instability, introspection and a disturbance of psyche.
If it is leaning towards the finger of Saturn than it is considered as excellent. While, if it is leaning towards the finger of Mercury, it indicates that an individual’s family life cannot remain happy.
The Small Finger of Mercury:
The smallest finger on your hand. that's end reaches the tip of the finger of Apollo, or up-to the upper joint of Apollo, and if it is long, than it shows self expression, and intuition. People with this kind of small finger loves to explore new knowledge & skills and make best in study and teaching.
It is believed that, they would assuredly get very fortunate and reach a very high position with their own efforts and will power in their life and society.
It is also believed by the renowned palmists that, if the finger of Mercury is very short, than it is not considered good as it give feeling of inferiority.
For a palm reader fingers are equally important to thumb, including the lines, marks, and patterns - found on palm of your hand.
For a palm reader fingers are equally important to thumb, including the lines, marks, and patterns - found on palm of your hand.